Art investigation



Etruscan Jar

Etruscan Jar
We investigate on an exceptional vase produced at the Sèvres Manufactory in 1810. In the form of an Etruscan scroll, it celebrates the entry into Paris of works destined for the Napoleon Museum. What is this little-known historical event, which took place in 1798? And what is the hidden meaning of the painting and the decorations that adorn it? This documentary traces the history of the production of this extraordinary piece, its inspiration drawn from antiquity, but also investigates the event it recounts: Napoleon's spoliation of Italian collections, at a time when criticism was already being voiced about the movement of works of art in times of war. When the Empire fell, the director of the Manufacture had to use subterfuge to save the vase from destruction.

Duration : 26 mins

Producer : Eclectic Production

Production year : 2017

Production country : France